With the occasion of International Women’s Day , at Engelnest we want to celebrate the professional endeavors of those womxn around our community. With the stories of Claudia Rathfux, Asli Engel and Hanna Legleitner , we want to expose each one’s positive impact on the world through their work. We want to empower other womxn to believe they can do the same in their own diverse paths and to show how important is womxn leadership for a better, fair and more sustainable world.
As mentioned in one of the interviews below, gender inequality is a social problem: it not only exists in the professional world through gender-based discrimination and with the still notorious gender pay gap for equal work, but it extends over many other life areas such as education and health access, safety and legal protection, body autonomy, opportunities and even the market (yes, we pay more for the same items and is referred to as ‚pink tax‘).
We have definitely more rights than 100 years ago when the first wave of feminism arose in Britain and the United States, but there is still much more to work for and to conscientize about. To counterbalance this inequality and to broaden access to coworking to womxn, in July 2020 Engelnest created a gender-pay-gap discount of 21% in all memberships, equal to the average gender pay gap in Berlin state. We were the first coworking in Berlin to offer a womxn-exclusive discount, and now we see others in the area following this initiative.
Womxn at Engelnest Coworking

Head of Customer and Market Relations of Stromnetz, and Chairwoman of InfraLab Berlin. InfraLab joined Engelnest last year, and is a place where the six infrastructure companies of Berlin (BSR, BVG, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, GASAG, Stromnetz Berlin and Vattenfall Wärme Berlin) develop innovative ideas to work towards a smart and sustainable Berlin. Claudia shares in her column what is needed for Berlin to become a more livable city by 2030, and how InfraLab’s approach can support this collective mission.
Besides being one of our co-founders, Asli is a media consultant and producer, having her own company based in Istanbul. In this interview, Asli explains how is being a female entrepreneur in a men-dominated industry, the way she has found to navigate it in a country where gender equality still has a long way to go, and how she took her experience to produce a documentary series that focuses on the lives of womxn in male-dominated professions.

is Managing Director of Restlos-Glücklich, a non-profit association that addresses the issue of food waste through climate-friendly nutrition and sustainable consumption. In this interview you can understand the importance of projects like Restlos Glücklich, and what are they doing to make society (starting from toddlers!) more conscious about the impact of our food choices on the environmental problem.
You have just met three womxn that are having an impact on environmental and equality issues by challenging stereotypes and taking on roles with a big responsibility. We need more womxn in managing positions (they barely reach the 6% in Europe), in the entrepreneurial world and in political decision-making seats, as research has proven that when womxn are in power, the outcome benefits more communities, locals, womxn and families in general, therefore, society is improved.
We hope you enjoyed meeting part of Engelnest’s community! If you found their stories inspiring, or our gender-pay-gap discount could benefit a womxn you know, spread the message, forward or share in your channels.
We all have it our hands the power to support female grow, equality and empowerment just by making their achievements more visible.
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